Swisher Sweets Maui Pineapple Cigarillos Cigars are indeed a diamond in the rough - great for those that wish to explore the flavors of a cigar without experiencing any sweet sensations as a byproduct should choose the Swisher Sweets Maui Pineapple Cigarillos Cigars without any hesitation. Swisher Sweets Maui Pineapple Cigarillos Cigars delivers the natural flavors of tobacco much like infused with the tropical essence of Hawaiian pineapples flavored premium cigar, however, it does it to suit strict time constraints. Made from the Indonesian natural homogenized wrapper leaf, these masterpieces are created from the finest materials in order to mask themselves in the perfection of design. Sold in 30 packs of 2 (60 total). Try a Swisher Sweets Maui Pineapple cigarillos Cigars you won't be disappointed. |